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All Aboard Autism

Bridging the gap for inclusion


About Me

Hi, I’m Nadine Kilkelly. I am a highly experienced school leader and autism specialist with extensive experience working with children on the autism spectrum. I’ve set up two autism units, and I have a Masters in Autism. I’ll help you develop the skills, knowledge and understanding you’ll need to confidently adapt and use powerful strategies for autism – in school and out.


My qualifications and training include: Masters (Education) Autism, TEACCH, SCERTS, PECS, Makaton, Attention Autism, Intensive Interaction, Zones of Regulation, Social stories, Comic strip conversations, Coaching and mentoring, and I'm also a qualified yoga teacher!

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Five Stops

Five Stops is my straightforward framework for helping you address the needs of autism and to support learning:

Break it down visually

Aim for independence

​Build a routine and structure

Create irresistable opportuites to learn

Make it highly individualised

How It Works


Audit, Advice and
Follow-Up Consultation

I can support with an in-class audit and advise on strategies and programmes to implement for your specific class needs. If you need more in depth support and training, I can spend more time with you, 

working alongside staff, implementing strategies and modelling good practice. 

Solution Focussed

I will work with you to identify your needs and provide guidance on effective strategies for addressing them. I will focus on finding practical solutions that work for you.

Parent and Teacher

My workshops are designed to provide parents, teaching assistants, teachers and all school staff with practical strategies for supporting individuals on the autism spectrum. The workshops are interactive and provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share their experiences. These will be tailored to your needs and will focus on specific topics. 

Training: About autism strategies that work

I will provide comprehensive training on what autism is and how to use effective strategies to support individuals on the autism spectrum. This training is designed for anyone who interacts with individuals with autism, including teachers, parents, and support staff.


What Happy
Teachers Say

"On learning walks I can already see staff putting the strategies into practice and the students are in a better position to learn and make progress."

- Sharon, Headteacher, Garratt Park School 

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